Sunday, September 17, 2006

Jadyn's Imagination

Jadyn woke up from her nap today. I (Julie) noticed that she had a large amount of kitty fur on her shirt, and when I asked her why, this is the explanation I got. If only I could include pictures of the faces, expressions, and hand gestures she used during the story...

(Note: the following is a verbatim narative from Jadyn) (Note 2: "Wicket" is the name of our cat)

Jadyn: "I went to wicket, 'What are ya doing up here?"

Wicket: "Jadyn, I want you to bother me. I was just waiting for someone to bother me."

Jadyn: "Hey, Wicket, I can bother you for a long time. I like to bother you."

Wicket: "Ok. That's good because I really wanted you to wrestle with me."

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