Friday, October 05, 2007

Quick update...

We are officially moved out of our house. Mark's parents have invited us to join them for the next month or so. The girls are having so much fun getting to see Grammy and Grandpa everyday, and it is always entertaining to watch 3 cats try to get along.

Our new home will be done in November - as long as everything stays on schedule.

We haven't gotten our computer hooked up online yet, so the posts will be a bit delayed. I promise to add pictures and details soon.

1 comment:

Jeana said...

I just spent some time catching up on your blog. We didn't have reliable internet access over the summer so I missed a lot. =/ But I had to say:

1. Congratulations on your new house! It looks awesome so far! I can't wait to see the finished product.

2. Your kids are HILARIOUS.

3. Molly Twinkles is a cutie and I love the name.