Sunday, November 25, 2007


We often wonder if we are really getting the truth of following Christ through to our children - especially around Christmastime when everywhere you look, you only see what the world (meaning all of the stores and ads) wants you to. Our girls answered that question well this week:

As we were driving home, we passed a house that had a large blow-up Santa and a reindeer on their roof. Karina very excitedly exclaimed: "I see Jesus with a puppy on that house!" It is true that God can be seen anywhere if you look for Him!

We were shopping at the store today and stumbled across a store Santa that was offering free pictures if you wanted. Jadyn was hesitant, but then gave in when they offered a free candy cane with the deal. As she was sitting on his lap, he asked "So what do you want for Christmas?" She was quiet and seemed to be thinking very hard about her answer. But then to our amazement, she replied: "You don't really bring the presents" with a very "I told you so" kind of tone and attitude. Poor Santa didn't know what to say. His next words were something mumbled about looking up and smiling for the picture.

I love that amongst all the Santa and gift giving craziness of this holiday, my girls are most looking forward to celebrating the birthday of the One we truly should be celebrating.

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