Monday, February 02, 2009

Another quickie...

All is going well in the estrogen-rich Foree household. Makenzie continues to be easy-going and sleeps well at night (we actually had to wake her up last night to feed her, not the other way around!). We're all enjoying taking turns holding her, burping her, and just loving on her.

Julie is healing well, trying to take it as easy as a mother of a newborn can, and enjoying being able to rest in her own home instead of a hospital bed. Gramda is soaking up lots of time with baby, too, and wishing she could stay longer.

We're beginning to understand what it's like to have an "easy baby," and wow - what a difference! Thank you, Lord! She has the cutest little sneezes, make the most adorable little coos and cries, and is taking in the new world around her with ease.

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