Friday, June 12, 2009

Mustache Month

The guys and I decided to try something different at work... we've decided June is Mustache Month. No reason in particular... just something different to do. Re-living how firemen of the past looked, I guess - they had no facepieces or air tanks to protect them from the noxious smoke, so they grew big, bushy mustaches to help them filter-breathe through the smoke. (True)

I was emptying the dishwasher at home while the girls were eating lunch the other day. While my back was to the girls, I suddenly began to hear those precious little giggles from behind me that told me something was up. I turned around, and my girls had their 'face-cleaning rags' rolled up and resting on their upper lips. "Look, Daddy," they said in unison, "we have mustaches, too."

My girls are so funny. Rather than try to explain why it is not quite the same when a lady has a mustache, I quickly grabbed the camera and we posed together. Ahh... another picture to pull out later in life and laugh about together~

(Unfortunately the cup in front of Karina blocks her a bit...)

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