Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jadyn's funny comment

We were in the car on the way home from VBS late last night. It's great having a 6 year-old when you have a baby. Jadyn is such a great helper - always mothering Makenzie as she sits next to her in the car. She has great instincts and is very patient with Makenzie, often leaning over to help her little sister out well before we ask.

So as we're driving home last night, we hear Makenzie fussing in the back, and the following conversation ensues:

Mommy: Jadyn, did Makenzie's binky fall out?

Jadyn: Yes.

Mommy: Can you put it back in for us?

Jadyn: Well.... she's playing a game with me right now where she spits her binky out, screams at me, and then I put it back in. But it's not a happy 'kind' of scream.

1 comment:

Susie said...

This is so sweet! What a great big sister!!!!!!