Friday, January 01, 2010

Our girls...

Sorry. It has been a while since we filled your brain with the quotes we hear so often around our house. Here are a few of our favorites that should have made the blog weeks ago. Life is a bit busy, but still as funny and random as ever! Enjoy...


We had just dropped off our good friend Brandy at the airport for her flight back to Idaho. As usual, when we got home, I reminded the girls to make sure they got everything out of the car that they brought with them. Karina in her most sad and accusing voice: "I can' left her at the airport."


Karina before bed: "I am so glad you love me even when I make frustrating choices!"


Jadyn: "My nose is stuffed up enough that if you listen when I breathe, it sounds like snoring. I didn't know I could make that sound."


"Can you put on that one song where they sing octagona?" Jadyn meaning acapella.


"Art is when you make something and you don't know what it is. An artist is someone who does art and likes it." Karina's response when asked to tell me what those two words meant.


Karina: "God is so good to make the best elephant color of all the colors! I would have just made them pink I think."


"Does this mean that you can't get a papercut from this paper? That is the safest paper; we should have more of that kind!" Jadyn as she was looking at a bag of tissue paper labeled non-bleeding.


Deep car conversation between Jadyn and Karina: "Why do they call it football? In basketball there is a basket that you throw in. Soccer you have to wear soccer socks to play and in baseball you have those bases to play on. Football doesn't work, you don't use your foot."


"Help Mommy! My car is stuck in Molly!!! Help! It is really in her!" Karina when she realized that her new remote control car was all twisted up in Molly's tummy fur. I was very relieved to see Molly hadn't eaten it.


Jadyn: "No! Makenzie told me that she wanted me to have her toy first. You just weren't here to hear it, and now she doesn't want to talk about it anymore."


Karina: "When I get my own pet elephant, I won't have to worry about anything anymore. She will help me with everything I want her to."


Karina: "I want to play Bingo with Grandpa again. When I win with him, I get dollars. I got a scooter even. I only get M&M's with you."

1 comment:

The White House said...

non bleeding tissue paper. hullarious. yeah, good luck playing bingo and rewarding with scooters ma! lol.