Monday, March 08, 2010

Elephant Trunks

Wow. It's been over a month since we've posted anything - yikes! We'll try to add more soon - we've had a busy last 6 weeks. Disneyland, a musical that Jadyn was in at church for two busy weekends, ballet lessons, school projects and homework, a two-week long cold working its way through our house, a special behind-the-scenes tour with the elephant keepers at the zoo, etc. Too many to list tonight, but we'll try hard to add the stories here soon.

But for now, one humorous anecdote from yesterday...

Julie and Karina were sharing some cheetos at lunch. It had been a while since we'd had cheetos in the house, so Julie asked Karina if her cheetos were good.

Karina held up a cheeto in front of her and then replied with a smile, "this is not just a cheeto! It's an elephant trunk!"

I can honestly say I have never looked at a cheeto that way before, but now I don't think I'll ever be able to look at one again without laughing. Leave it up to our little elephant lover to find the elephant in everything around her.

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