Thursday, August 12, 2010

Another Karina moment

We're in Sacramento now. Visiting Julie's family. Everyone's having a great time.

One of the fun things to do when we come down is to go for a ride in Grandpa's 1926 Chevy. It's beautiful. He spent many years rebuilding and refinishing it, and now maintains it in pristine condition. But he loves to take people for a ride, too, which is perfect!

And our Karina moment...
While we were sitting inside getting ready to head out on our adventure in the old car, Grandpa and Karina and I (Daddy) were talking about getting ready. It's about 90 degrees and sunny here right now.

Daddy: Let's put some sunscreen on you guys and we'll head out on our trip.

Grandpa: Karina, do you want me to put the top up on the old car so the sun's not shining down on top of you? (It's a convertible)

Karina: No, that's okay. I'm not really going to be looking up much.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Aw, the girls have the exact same shoulder tilt! Love it!