Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2 Moms, 6 Kids...One Amazing Day!

We went to our favorite place with our good friends, the Brinkley's. The zoo is always a fun trip, but it was even better on this day! Can't wait to go back!!

Liz and her 3 boys are a perfect combination with our 3 girls.
We can't seem to get enough of them!
Our own pack of little wolves!And monkeys!
If you know us at all, you know that there is one part of the zoo that is by far the best: the elephants! This was a very sad day visiting them. One of our favorite ladies in the herd has lost one of her tusks. Truly devastating to a certain member of our family. We did, of course, get the whole story from the keepers, but still very, very sad news. Karina decided that she can't wait until she loses her first tooth...so she can go back and have something in common with her best friend and understand her sadness! So sweet! (FYI- Watoto caused her own tooth loss.)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Our three-girl family had a friend-family with three boys when we were little! It was good times, if I remember correctly ;)