Friday, June 23, 2006


Jadyn helped me wash the car the other day. I bought her her own rag to use. She was so excited to have a matching rag with Daddy - it's funny how the little things are such big things to kids.

We were almost done, and I was behind my car rinsing off the last sudular remnants when I heard a blood-curdling shriek from the front of the cars. The protective father in me leaped to his feet and ran towards the sound of her voice, only to find my 3-year old covered in soap suds from head to toe, almost to tears more from shock and surprise than any real pain or fear. I couldn't help but start laughing, and Jadyn quickly, but still a bit nervously, joined in. I had just refilled the bucket, and she thought it would be fun to drop her rag in from as high as she could reach and get some more bubbles. Well, she got her bubbles alright! Once she realized all was okay, she even agreed to pose for this picture before being washed off.

That's my girl! -Mark

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