Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Jadyn is officially done with school for the summer. This summer she'll be taking swim lessons, and not just the "water exposure" classes she's done in the past where a parent is with them in the water and they just get wet. This time she'll actually be on her own with a few other students and a teacher. How exciting! She's growing up so fast.

Spring is here. And Summer is right around the corner! We spent some time in the yard planting flowers and potting tomato plants. Jadyn calls them "Daddy's babies" (since Daddy is the only one who likes tomatos) and makes sure we water them and monitor their growth progress. As you can guess, we're a long way from reaping the fruits of our labor (literally), but as they say, "good things are worth waiting for."

Karina will be swimming with Mom and Dad, too, as we hit the pool near our house during the weekdays as much as possible this summer. She's walking like crazy and trying so hard to talk. She can say "Daddieeeee"and "Mama" and "Hi," but most of the time she just babbles on with such conviction that you know you're missing out on some deep thoughts. We try to spend lots of time outside between storms (it is Seattle), playing with soccer balls and frisbees in the backyard or climbing around at the playground near our house. Both girls absolutely love being outside!

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