Tuesday, August 01, 2006

To the edge of the earth...

Spontanaety - is that how you spell it? Well, either way... I got home from the station yesterday morning and Julie's mom was there to join us for the week. We all decided it would be fun to go to the beach!

It was a beautiful sunny day. The kids had a blast playing in real ocean beach sand. Jadyn loved running in and out of the ocean water and flying a kite with Daddy. Mommy showed Karina how to fill the sandpail with a shovel, and Karina did a great job of dumping it all over herself instead (a little bit made it into the pail, too). So we decided we needed to stay for 2 more days.

How we love summer! And how we love finally having the freedom in our schedule to get away, and that on a weekday when the crowds are still mostly at work! I think we could get used to this...

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