Monday, January 22, 2007

Something to be thankful for...

Today was a pretty crazy day. Both girls are sick with this horrible cold that is going around. At one point Jadyn sneezed 9 times in a row- her current record. Afterwards, we were talking about sneezes and colds and all the people in the world that get sick just like us. It eventually led to Jadyn's profound question: "What would happen if everyone sneezed all at the same time in our kitchen?" After a look of complete disgust as she thought of what she was asking, she decided that it would be the worst mess we have ever had to clean up. She then changed the question: "How about if all the pretend people in the world sneezed at once?" We then proceeded to clean up the huge pretend mess that they made for us. I have to admit, I have never thought about being thankful that everyone does not sneeze in our kitchen. Next time I am frustrated about having to clean the kitchen floor so often, I will have to say a prayer of thanks instead.

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