Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ever wondered what really goes on in a 4 year old's brain?

While we were eating dinner tonight, we were talking about the day’s events and the things we were thankful for, as is the usual conversation around our table.

When we asked Karina what her favorite part of the whole day was, she thought for a long time, then answered: “petting the puppies!” Jadyn and I looked at each other and couldn’t help but laugh. There was no part of our day that even remotely involved puppies. I asked Karina when it was that she actually got to pet them, to which she quickly replied: “my pretend day!”

Jadyn, of course, not to be outdone by her little sister, went with the pretend day scenario. We ended up coming up with what our perfect pretend day would look like. Here are Jadyn’s words:

“First we would get up and get dressed. Then we would have breakfast- ice cream, cookies, and milk. We would take our dishes to the counter and the sink. Then we would go pet our puppies that live with us. Karina was 30, old enough for a dog. (We have a standing agreement that we can’t get a dog unless everyone in our house is old enough to help take care of it.) I was old enough, too.

We had 100 puppies! That is the perfect number to have when you are old enough. The one named ‘Popcorn’ was my favorite. He was a boy with rainbow colors. ‘Spray Bottle’ was our other favorite. She was a girl that was pink and white and had a rainbow tail.

Then the puppies had naptime. They were so tired.

We went outside to play in our swimming pool filled with noodles and spaghetti sauce! We got all dirty! We went back inside and the puppies licked us all off so we were all clean again.

Then we had some elephants like ‘Elmer’ (a book we read often about a very colorful elephant) outside. We had a big yard so the elephants could run around a lot. And we grew some blueberries and they were rainbow colored just like Elmer and Popcorn.

Our dogs were really fun- they were the best part of our pretend day and our imagination.”

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