Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First one, then two, then...

Late January 2009 we'll be adding a 3rd little one to our growing family! The pictures are a few weeks old (sorry - busy month), but for those of you who are good at making out these alien-like pictures, here are a few shots of our new little one!

Most of you know that we opted not to find out the gender of our first two kids. So this time... we decided... to wait again! It was so fun finding out on the day of their delivery, so we're sorry - we know it kills some people out there to wait, but we'll be finding out sometime late January ans we'll be sure to share the news.

The best news of all is that baby looks very healthy!


Dani McDowell CD(DONA) said...

Aww... baby looks good! So glad to hear that baby is healthy and doing great in there! And I hope you are over your cold Julie!

Jenny Jack said...

Congratulations! I'm coming to visit in February so maybe I'll get to meet...! Yippeee!! Jennny