Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy 6th Brithday, Jadyn!

It's hard to believe our Jadyn turned 6 years old yesterday. Where has the time gone?

We had a very fun birthday party at our house. 13 friends came over and decorated pumpkins, ate lots of ice cream and cake, and jumped around in a giant bouncy house in our backyard.
The only hickup in the party was when Jadyn went to blow out the candles on her cake. She had insisted earlier in the day that she wanted her hair down, not up in a ponytail or braids. So when she leaned over to blow out the candles, a few strands of hair fell into the flames and caught fire. Mark quickly snuffed them out, but not before she singed a few hairs and frightened a few party goers. If you look closely in the picture of Jadyn blowing out the candles, you can see her hair beginning to brighten up as it comes into contact with the flames.

Hair catching fire

Opening some presents

Some of the kids playing in the woods behind the house

Some kids on the bouncy house

Eating yummy birthday cake

Then last night our family came over and we had a second party - Jadyn got to pick her favorite meal for dinner... cheeseburgers, of course. And then we had more cake and ice cream and cousin Caelan got to jump in the bouncy house with the girls.
Family Dinner
Fun with Grandpa
Happy 6th Birthday, Jadyn!

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