Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Is it ever okay to be the boss?

I was shocked to hear what was coming out of my Jadyn's mouth as I came downstairs a couple of days ago. She was all-out bossing and demanding someone to do things her way and in her time frame. (It was not shocking to hear it, but shocking to hear so much of it at one time coming from her.)

Things like: "No! You can't go there! Stay right there until I tell you to move!" Or: "I told you, you are not allowed to play with that! Put it back where I put it!" Or my favorite of all: "God made me the boss of you- you don't have a choice!" (Multiply this by about 10 statements, and you will get the idea of what I was hearing.)

Now, being the concerned mom I tend to be, I run in, expecting to rush to the defense of my little Karina, who I am sure is cowering in some corner somewhere. Instead, I find Karina happily reading books by herself in the playroom, and our poor cat, Wicket, trapped in the living room with Jadyn practically sitting on top of her.

When I asked Jadyn what in the world would make her think it was okay to talk to anybody that way (even the cat), she said: "But I have to be able to be the boss of somebody! Wicket is the only one that God gave me. I am not allowed to boss Karina or you or Daddy and the turtles don't listen to me!" Not to worry, our cat made a full recovery and has once again forgiven us for such inhumane treatment.

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