Saturday, March 08, 2008

Oh Molly!

Our sweet little Molly Twinkles is just so funny sometimes. She is so unlike any cat we know, including our other odd cat that thinks she is a dog most of the time. Molly ends up in the strangest places doing the weirdest things. I wish I could have my camera handy more often during the day to give you all proof, but here are a couple of shots we managed to get.Here she is going for a magic carpet ride with the girls. She loves this and even manages to hang on through every terrain throughout our house, except the stairs. :o) She actually will run to sit on the blanket as soon as she sees it spread out flat and wait for her "ride" to start.
And here she is making herself at home in the dollhouse. I guess she doesn't realize that it really isn't made just for her. She will even go as far as rearranging it (pushing the stuff out) so she can lay down. In another month or so, I think she may have to agree that she has outgrown this house, though.

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