Monday, August 11, 2008

"Big Boy"

Our kids love playing in the car while we're on our way to different places. We have a small basket that their toys are kept in that stays between their car seats - making it both easy to access and also somewhat organized.

A little while back, we began hearing some unusual make-believe conversation. And it was consistent - we'd hear it over several days. Imagine the confusion and wonder when we started to hear the conversations:

"Hi, I'm Big Boy."
"Can I play with Big Boy?"
"It's my turn to play with Big Boy."
"Where's Big Boy?"
"Big Boy, do you want to play with me?"
"I think Big Boy wants to play the piano."

We finally turned around and had to ask, "Who is Big Boy?" We busted up laughing as our girls held up a little action figure - one in particular is from Mark's childhood - a little Hulk Hogan action figure with a hole in his back that you can put your thumb in for "Thumb Wrestling." Our girls, of course, have no idea who 'Hulk Hogan' is, so naturally they have made up their own completely original, logical name.

So meet "Big Boy."

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