Tuesday, August 05, 2008

So what did you do this weekend?

I, Mark, got finally got off work this morning and got to come home. What was supposed to be a 48-hour weekend of work ended up being a 66-hour weekend. Only 6 hours off in 72 is a little more work than I'm used to. I went on over 50 emergency calls between 8am Saturday morning and 8am Tuesday morning, was up all night for 2 of the 3 days, and needless to say came home sufficiently exhausted this morning. My wonderful wife was good and generous to me and allowed me to nap from 10 until 2.

Thankfully, Julie and the girls were able to stop by and visit me Sunday whie I was working. Here's a picture of me at the station - take from Jadyn's perspective.
Some of the types of calls that made the long weekend go by quickly: a few different CPR runs, several car accidents, a house fire that was quickly extinguished, a brush fire burning up a hill towards an elementary school (started by a cigarette thrown from a car window), a toddler stuck in a garage door that needed to be extricated, several patients who had OD'd on drugs or alcohol, one man found dead in his house, several patients with heart problems, several bar fights and street fights, a man locked out on his balcony 4 stories above ground, seizures, diabetic comas, and one lady we cured by inducing her to vomit.

I'm exhausted, but it's definitely good to be back at work. Thankfully, I work Thursday, but then get a week off on vacation, work one more shift the next Friday, and then get a week off on vacation again as I head to New Orleans with a friend for the week.


Cindy Pruitt Carlson said...

Oh my word! Get some sleep! :) Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Anonymous said...

wow, you helped alot of people, plus it was seafair, get some rest and have a fun time in New Orleans. Shannan

plus, way to go Karina on learning ot ride a big girl bike.