Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The girls have had a week full of Daddy-time these last 7 days. Julie flew the coop to spend the week with her mom who just had surgery.

We went to the park today (our first break from the rain in who-can-remember-how-long) and had a picnic lunch and played until we were all worn out and ready for our naps.

The girls were they're regular adorable selves.

I was looking through the pictures I took, and noticed that if you look closely at this one... is that Karina giving Jadyn a boost?

Karina and Jadyn both conquered the "big slide" - a steep, fast moving one that has kept them at bay for some time now. It was a proud moment!

They had a great time! Lord - please send more of that beautiful sunshine our way!


Cindy Pruitt Carlson said...

Way to go Mark...Mr. Mom. The girls look super happy, fun pictures. Glad you got a break from the rain.

Anonymous said...

oh your girls are growing up so fast it is so good to see them and catch up on all your lives.
