Sunday, January 25, 2009

Counting down...

Amazingly enough, we only have four more days to go until we get to meet our newest family member! We are all obviously excited, but the girls are beyond that even. It seems that everything we do or talk about always comes back to our new baby in some way. Karina can't wait to finally be a big sister and Jadyn is full of very helpful advice at any time on how to be a good one. (Seeing as she has had so much practice already!)

We have been spending a lot of time talking about how things will be different and/or the same after baby gets here and all of that crazy stuff that goes along with a new little one coming home. We are definitely feeling the stress and pressure of all that is coming our way starting very soon.

I think Jadyn summed it all up for us the best yesterday, though, during dinner: "It's so good that God knows everything already about everything. We don't have to. We can just wait for Him to think we need to know it." I pray that we can keep that simple truth in mind as we make it through this next week of changes. We'll keep you posted...

We are scheduled for an 8:00 a.m. c-section delivery on Thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow what a child of God she is becoming to say that. i will pray that everything goes well on the day of c-section, also i will pray for Mark and the strength he will be needing in the coming weeks. What a wonderful Christian family you have become.
