Saturday, January 31, 2009

Final Hospital Update (hopefully...)

We've survived our second night. Makenzie actually slept well last night between feedings.

She's doing very well overall, though as of yesterday morning (24 hours since birth) she had lost 7% of her weight already. The doctors are mildly concerned: 5% or maybe 6% is normal for the first day. I sounds like 10% is the max they would want by the time Mom and baby go home after 48 hours, so we're a little anxious as we wait for this morning's weigh-in. She also sounds to have caught Julie's cold a little bit, so she's breathing a little raspy -we'll have to keep an eye on that to make sure the infection doesn't take hold and work it's way into her lungs.

But so far, as much as you can tell in the first two days, Makenzie is proving to be our most mild-mannered baby yet. She has rested well, been relatively easy to sooth, and slept "like a baby" for much of her first 48 hours. Jadyn and Karina's first 2 days were night and day different from Makenzie's, so it's been a wonderful change of pace for us. We're not naive enough to assume this is going to last very long, but what a blessing it's been to start out the first few days this way.

Assuming all doctor's visits go well today, we're hoping to be on the road towards home before noon. We'll keep you posted - thanks for your continued prayers! We want to thanks to all our family and friends who came to visit us - it was great to see you all and have your support here at the hospital. A double thanks to Julie's mom, who we lovingly call Gramda, for watching the big sisters so we can both here!

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