Monday, January 12, 2009

A Fun Christmas Present

We were the beneficiaries of a Wii Fit for Christmas. We just got it today, and it's been both a fun and hilarious experience getting used to this device. You can do all sorts of fun games on it, including skiing, ski jumping, soccer activities, and more. Plus it has great exercise routines designed to help you get into shape, from cardio to stretching (Yoga) to strength.

The funniest part by far has been the Yoga. I, Mark, was trying out each of the activities and was actually doing pretty well. The system was even complimenting me with applause and "great job" on a few activities.

That is... until I tried the Yoga position called "tree." Here's a picture of what it's supposed to look like:

but if you can imagine my ungraceful self trying to 1) make this pose, and then 2) hold this pose for 30 seconds... yikes! Needless to say, Julie was all but rolling on the floor laughing at me. My nice little system trainer was no longer doling out praise, but instead saying things like, "you're a little shaky, aren't you?" and "did I notice that you just put your other foot down?" and "hmm... I think we need to practice that a little more."

It's been a blast and it's actually pretty cool, but if I'm not careful Julie might snap a picture of me looking like a fool upload it onto the blog. I'm sure it'll be coming soon. The kids love it, too, and Jadyn has quickly picked up on it especially quickly - mastering the skiing and ski jump activities.

Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

That's awesome! I'd love to get a Wii Fit, so cool!!! I'm cracking up about the tree pose, and it's comments, so funny!!!